The “Me” in Team

  By Henry Glickel  |    Thu Jan 05, 2023

Category: Articles

Maybe you’ve seen a poster, uttered the phrase as a coach, or heard the song by Taking Back Sunday, “There’s no “I” in TEAM.” But, is it true? Is your individuality really lost when you become a part of a team? Though there might not be an “I”...

Hiring Goal Oriented Employees

  By Anonymous  |    Tue Dec 06, 2022

Category: Articles

Are you a goal oriented person? Asking this question in your next round of interviews is a dead end yielding very little information about the candidate in front of you. You want to hire a person who is focused and driven by purpose. With such a brief time together in...

Interviewing for a Management Position

  By Henry Glickel  |    Tue Nov 08, 2022

Category: Articles

You are ready to move forward in your career. The trajectory of your five year plan sends you upward. And you are ready to step into a management position. As you begin updating your resume and searching for open positions don’t overlook preparations for the interviews. How well you are...

Finding Success with Time Management

  By Henry Glickel  |    Thu Oct 06, 2022

Category: Articles

From CEO’s down to entry level positions, effective time management strategies are a must in most fields of work; some might call time management a prerequisite for success. How you discipline yourself and focus is as individualized as your skill set. Those who stand atop the leaderboard set...

Back In the Game: Interviewing After an Extended Absence

  By Henry Glickel  |    Tue Sep 06, 2022

Category: Articles

Feeling a bit rusty as you jump into your next interview? No matter how long it has been, there are some simple questions you can use to prepare yourself to jump into the game. Often these questions are presented near the beginning of an interview, to break the ice. Knocking...

Not Your Typical Summer Reading List

  By Henry Glickel  |    Tue Aug 09, 2022

Category: Articles

Summer reading lists are scattered all over the internet. New and old it doesn’t take but a few clicks to find top ten lists with topics running from updating your sales pitch to being a better leader. Maybe you have several in your Amazon cart right now with titles...

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