It’s Time to Brush Up On These 10 Interviewing Techniques

  By Henry Glickel  |    Posted on Monday February 6, 2024 at 08:00:00 AM

Category: Articles

Mastering the interview process is essential for attracting and retaining top talent. It's not just about evaluating a candidate's qualifications and skills; it's also an opportunity for the candidate to assess whether your company is the right fit for them. To make the most of this crucial stage in the hiring process, you must establish and refine an effective interview process that benefits both the candidate and your organization.  Set the stage for a successful working relationship by brushing up on these 10 interviewing techniques.

  1. Prepare Thoroughly

Before you even meet the candidate, take the time to thoroughly review their resume and application materials. Familiarize yourself with their work experience, skills, and achievements. This will not only help you ask more relevant questions but also demonstrate to the candidate that you value their time and effort.

Additionally, create a structured interview plan. Determine the key qualifications and traits you're looking for in a candidate and develop a list of questions that will help you assess these aspects. A well-thought-out interview plan will keep the conversation on track and ensure that you cover all necessary topics.

  1. Create a Comfortable Environment

A candidate's comfort during the interview can significantly impact their performance and willingness to open up. Start the interview with a warm welcome, introduce yourself and the interview panel, and offer some small talk to help ease any nerves. Make sure the interview room is well-lit and comfortable.  A gesture of offering a glass of water can set the tone.

  1. Use a Scorecard or Evaluation Sheet

To maintain objectivity and consistency in your interview process, consider using a scorecard or evaluation sheet. This tool allows you to rate each candidate's responses to specific questions based on predefined criteria. It helps eliminate biases and ensures that you can make an informed decision by comparing candidates objectively.

  1. Listen Actively

Effective interviewing isn't just about asking the right questions; it's also about active listening. Pay close attention to the candidate's responses, and avoid interrupting or rushing them. Encourage them to elaborate on their answers, and ask follow-up questions to dig deeper into their experiences and thought processes. Active listening shows that you value the candidate's perspective and helps you gain a more comprehensive understanding of their qualifications.

  1. Ask Behavioral Questions

Behavioral interview questions are designed to elicit specific examples of a candidate's past behavior, as they are often indicative of future performance. Instead of asking hypothetical questions like, "What would you do in this situation?" ask questions like, "Can you provide an example of a time when you faced a challenging situation at work and how you handled it?" This approach helps you gauge a candidate's problem-solving abilities, adaptability, and interpersonal skills.

  1. Assess Cultural Fit

Skills and qualifications are essential, but so is cultural fit. Evaluate whether the candidate's values, work style, and personality align with your organization's culture. This is crucial for long-term success and employee satisfaction.

  1. Give the Candidate an Opportunity to Ask Questions

An interview should be a two-way street. Give the candidate a chance to ask questions about the role, team dynamics, company culture, and any other relevant topics. Their questions can provide valuable insights into their level of interest and their understanding of the position.

  1. Provide Feedback and Set Expectations

At the end of the interview, be transparent about the next steps in the hiring process. Let the candidate know when they can expect to hear back from you. If possible, offer constructive feedback on their performance during the interview, highlighting areas of strength and areas for improvement. This not only helps the candidate but also reflects positively on your organization.


  1. Follow Up Promptly

Timely communication is essential. After the interview, follow up with the candidate as soon as possible, whether it's to extend an offer, schedule additional interviews, or inform them that you've chosen another candidate. Keep the lines of communication open to maintain a positive candidate experience.

  1. Continuously Improve Your Interview Process

Finally, remember that the interview process is a dynamic one. Continuously gather feedback from interviewers, candidates, and new hires to refine your approach. Regularly update your interview questions, evaluation criteria, and processes to ensure that you are always improving your ability to identify the best talent for your organization.

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